Re: library project

"Jonathan Wood" <>
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:47:44 -0700
I was going to say the same thing. In fact, I may take exactly this approach
with a current project.

It has to do with shareware registration. There's no way I want this in a
separate DLL. Besides the fact that I prefer all my code in a single EXE
anyay, a DLL here would just make it so much easier for hackers.

So I use a LIB file. And, for the dialog I need, I can just build it

Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming

"Colin Peters" <> wrote in message


Just my 2p worth. Dynamically building dialogs isn't really so tricky. I
don't know what problems Joe was alluding to. Dialogs build from resources
are anyway build at runtime in a similar way. Look at for an example.

As far as localisation, you could always access a text file of string
translations for the labels, and defautl to a language if no suitable file
is found. Quick and dirty at least. The problem with dlls and ActiveX is
when your interface changes your exes don't work until you relink. With a
static library if it's in it's in.

Bill < wrote:


I'm trying to create a library of one piece of code so the source can be
kept secret and only the header and the library file need to be included
in projects that use it. This is for use within my company.

The library needs one dialog box to enter some data. I created the
library and put the dialog inside. I use this library in a project but
the dialog cannot be created. I get an error -1 from DoModal(). I
remember seeing once that a project can only have one resource file, so
maybe my library dialog is not getting included in the final executable.
Am I right? Is there a way to get it in there?

I thought I could maybe make this a DLL, but 1. I've never done one
before and 2. I want to final executable to stand alone without a DLL I
must also supply.

I have been trying to InitModalIndirect() from a DLGTEMPLATE but it's an
uphill battle. I finally got a dialog box to display but the first button
i tried to add doesn't display. Then i'm wondering how do I link the
button (or other controls) to the function or variable that I would
normally use Class Wizard to associate. Does anyone have any exmaple
program for this?



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