Re: Strange errors about set using STL

"Daniel T." <>
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 01:05:23 GMT
In article <>,
 "Yuri CHUANG" <> wrote:

This is a example from a textbook,but there are some strange error that
I don't understand.

If the below is an example taken directly from a textbook, burn the book.

Could anyone give me some help to realize the
operations on set.Thank you very much:-)
(I compile it with Dev C++

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

typedef set<string> Set;
typedef Set::iterator It;

void print(Set);
Set operator + (Set&,Set&);
Set operator * (Set&,Set&);
Set operator - (Set&,Set&);

int main(void)
    string str1[]={"A","B","C","D","E","F","G"};
    string str2[]={"A","E","I","O","U"};
    Set s1(str1,str1+7);
    Set s2(str2,str2+5);


    return 0;

Set operator + (Set& s1,Set& s2)
    Set s(s1);
    return s;

Once a value has been inserted into a set, you can't change it. The
error you are getting is complaining that set_intersection and
set_difference are trying to change the values already contained in 's'.

Set operator * (Set& s1,Set& s2)
    Set s(s1);
    return s;

Set operator - (Set& s1,Set& s2)
    Set s(s1);
    return s;

Here are the functions properly written:

Set operator * (const Set& s1,const Set& s2)
    Set s;
    set_intersection( s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s2.end(),
        inserter( s, s.begin() ) );
    return s;

Set operator - (const Set& s1,const Set& s2)
    Set s;
    set_difference( s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s2.end(),
        inserter( s, s.begin() ) );
    return s;

BTW everywhere you have a Set& as a parameter, it should be a const Set&.

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