Re: Why is VC++ STL so slow?

"Earl Purple" <>
1 Oct 2006 05:56:21 -0400
P.J. Plauger wrote:

They favor allocators that optimize for speed, often at the expense
of wasting or even failing to release storage. We provide by default
a simple allocator that calls new and delete for each map node.
(Our add-on library, available at our web site, comes with an
assortment of allocators to choose among if you don't like the
default.) It's also possible that the underlying heap manager may
contribute, but I doubt it.

As for the insert and find machinery, they're too similar to
account for the difference you report.

You are obviously more expert at this than me but I would have thought
you would not call new and delete on one map node at a time but instead
allocate a block of them in advance, similar to what you do in vector.

When you say they fail to release storage, I guess you mean that they
use a similar behaviour to string and vector, thus even if elements are
removed, the memory is retained for possible re-use.

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