Re: get some chars from a .txt file

Carl Barron <>
19 Jan 2007 01:50:25 -0500
In article <>,
James Kanze <> wrote:

class nolf_buf:public std::streambuf
    std::vector<char> &data;
    int overflow(int c = EOF)

Overflow is the function called when writing, not when reading.
The function you want to replace is underflow. If you're trying
to use a filtering streambuf on input.

          if(c!=EOF && c!='\n')
       catch (...)
          return EOF;
       return '0'; // not eof
    nolf_buf(std::vector<char> &a):data(a){}

But this is not a filtering streambuf. It's just a regular
streambuf which writes to a std::vector. (Somewhere in my
code---I don't know if it's in the online stuff or not---I've
got a streambuf based on STL iterators; it's been a while since
I've used it, and I forget the details, but I think it should be
possible to instantiate it for output on a
back_insertion_iterator for the vector.)

    std::vector<char> data;
    nolf_buf buf(data);
    in_file >> &buf; // data now contains the file contents

    It is a filtering streambuf that writes to a vector<char> it removes
'\n's that it is fed, After initial thought the possibly best way to
read the rest of the file into a vector was use an operator >>
(streambuf *); If the size of the vector can be estimated, reserve()
can improve performance some more.

I guessed this approach should be at least as efficient as using
iterators after noting the istreambuf_iterator<char> solution.
Also not obvious to the 'casual user' of streams...

A more general approach if the file is handled a piece at a time is
a 'normal' filtering streambuf to remove '\n' during the input.

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