Re: header file inclusion in c++

"Jim Langston" <>
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:48:21 -0800
Rahul wrote:


I often include the header files like the following,

#include <string.h>

However, i get a warning from the compiler to remove the .h and it
works fine with the following,

#include <string>

I also read an article which suggests to do the same, however it
doesn't claim any reason to do so... does anyone have any idea
regarding the same?

Thanks in advance!!!

As others are explaining, <string.h> is the c-style string functions. That
has been renamed to <cstring> in the latest version of c++. <string> is the
c++ style string STL std::string. However, <string> also includes some of
the c-style string functions also (not sure if it includes them all or not).

In either case, you would want to use <string> or <cstring>, but not the
depreciated <string.h>.

I'm just trying to point out that <string> is not the same as <string.h>,
but <cstring> is the same as <string.h> although you'll probably need to use
the std:: prefix.

Jim Langston

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