Re: Good C++ book

red floyd <no.spam@here.dude>
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:25:23 -0700
PAolo wrote:


I am a good C programmer, and I am able to use C++ at a "not expert"
leve. I am lloking for a good C++ book that can teach me all the
aspect of the language, possibly explaining more complex object
scenarios (multiple inheritance, abstract class and virtul methods,
templates, etc) in a "theoretical" way too. I need a good section on
STL too (well not a cut and past of the reference... :P ).

I looked around on this group and searched on book selling sites. I
didn't find much that matches my needings.

Can anyone provide me some good suggestions?

In addition to what Victor suggested, I recommend "Accelerated C++" by
Koenig and Moo.

Another thing to realize it that you may (probably will) have to
"unlearn" many programming habits you learned in C. The key thing being
memory management. You almost *NEVER* want to deal with raw pointers in
C++... The Standard Library provides almost everything you need to avoid
it -- if you need dynamically sized arrays, use std::vector. If you
need a linked list, std::list provides it for you... etc... To me, this
was the hardest part of learning C++, was to think in a C++ style rather
than a "C with Classes" style.

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