Re: Speeding up access to STL vectors?

peter koch <>
Fri, 5 Dec 2008 11:15:17 -0800 (PST)
On 5 Dec., 10:09, Steve555 <> wrote:


My vector ( typedef vector<movieRatingPair*> ratingsV ) =


Why do you have a pointer of vectors? You probably should have a
vector of MovieRatingPair.

this struct:

typedef struct{
        unsigned short movieID;
        unsigned short rating;

} movieRatingPair;

Why do you use a C-notation? In C++ the preferred notation is
struct movieRatingPair

...and on average will contain 200 such structs;
The structs are always stored in the vector in ascending order of

I need to find a quick way to check if the vector contains a specific
movieID. I can not use a map instead of a vector, because the extra
few bytes they use creates a problem.(*)

Simply iterating through the vector is proving a bit slow; I guess I
can write some binary search code, but just wanted to check I wasn't
re-inventing the wheel, or simply missing a much better way of dealing
with the whole thing.

There is std::binary_search, std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound for
that. Using that, having much better cache-coherency when searching
values instead of pointers and using far less memory (when not newing
your elements) should combine to give you a rather huge speed-up (I
would estimate a factor of more than ten).


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