Re: performance of concatening strings by operator+ or stringstream

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Fri, 9 Oct 2009 15:18:46 CST
<> wrote:

This safe iterator stuff is practically impossible to turn off, or u
must recompile the msvcp*.dll's urself. If iterators are passed over
module boundaries with different compile flags, a crash is

I wasn't aware that it is that difficult... :/

Steping thru the difficult readable STL of VStudio, there seems a
lot going on just adding a character to a stream.


Rope class is a SGI extension.

Wait: The STL, created by Hewlett-Packard, now hosted at SGI's, is _the_
STL, _the_ "Standard Template Library". The STL contains a rope class. The
STL is not an implementation of the C++ standard library though, even
though its name contains the term "standard". Actually, it is older than
that, and many parts of the C++ stdlib initially came from the STL, with
the rope class being one part of the STL that did not make it into the

As such, there is no "STL of VStudio", it's an implementation of the C++
stdlib (from Dinkumware, actually). Neither can you call the rope class an
SGI extension to the C++ standard, because the STL is not an implementation
of the C++ standard library.

That said, the confusion between the STL and the C++ standard library is


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