Re: Writing good articles that have much better chance to be seen
by others
In article <hh1a5o$qg4$>, (tanix) wrote:
In article <hh19ki$6e9$>, red floyd
<> wrote:
On 12/24/2009 12:05 PM, tanix wrote:
Here's another one.
Avoid ad-hominem attacks against people who have professional
reputations you could only dream about having.
Yep. Exactly what I mean.
Except you'd have to clarify what that "professional reputation"
means, and how would you know?
People such as Pete Becker.
He may be god to you indeed and you can pray on your knees
if you wish.
But this thread is not about slugging out at who can jump higher
than his own weanie. Makes sense?
Btw. Do you know what kind of people change the subject line
as you, fools, do?
They are called sickos. Jealous intolerand idiots,
who have nothing better to do in ther lives then pervert things.
Makes sense?
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