Re: Design patterns

From: (tanix)
Wed, 30 Dec 2009 04:10:36 GMT
In article <Obs_m.86101$Wd1.56390@newsfe15.iad>, Daniel Pitts <> wrote:

Jayson Cormier wrote:

Bean it! Everything... bean-able. Enterprise Java Bean, Netbeans...

Kicked in the beans.

The Java folks had a great idea with JavaBeans, but they failed at
implementing it in a consistent and useful way. There is no language
level support for property-change listeners, so it becomes extremely
burdensome trying to create a functional bean which is useful as a GUI

Don't get me wrong, I'm primarily a Java programmer. I just think that
the Bean hype has caused many people to forget basic abstraction
concepts, and the benefits of Beans have yet to been fully realized.

Well, I think Sun stretched itself too much creaing ALL sorts of
gadgets, "toolkits", "subsystems" and you name it.

As a result, they spread themselves too thin, worked in too many
different directions and finally, boom, the biggest tragedy in the
sw business, a war with Microsoft, which simply killed Java.

As of this moment, the traffic on MFC sites is twice as much as on
C++ sites and at least 5 times as much as on Java sites.

And Java has contributed significantly by simplifying the language,
getting away from all these pointers, "by value", references and
all sorts of other complications in the language that end up creating
nothing but nightmare.

People often forget that developers have ALL sorts of things in their
mind. They don't need to remember another universe of things when
incoroprating some functioinality from some toolkit or some other
language complication that is voluminous.

Just switching from IDE world view, with its thousands of things
to remember, to debugger worldview, with its piles of things,
to language worldview, and on and on and on, down to switching
your mind to your email program worldivew, then your editor
worldview, which also has thousands of things to keep in mind
and its own concepts, symbols, keystroke sequences, codes,
maps, tables, languages, fonts, colors and on and on and on.

So, what happens that that you have to remember millions of
different things, hundreds ways to switch your mind into totally
different universe and its perspective.

So, when someone develops something, they think someone has
either time or interest in studying another bible sized book
and INSTANTLY be able to switch to another bible sized worldview.

That is what I mean when I say:
"We totally do not understand what information is".
Just a stone age view.

Meanwile, the load on the mind is simply immense.

Just look at things like Java generics or C++ templates,
or .net all sorts of things.

Does anybody think that someone is going to sit there for half
an hour and stare at all those hierogliphs when they look at
some method or class? How long is it going to take you to
develop anything worth even mentioning if you have to switch
your mind at this rate?

And now we have these design patterns with ALL sorts of side
effects. People look at design patterns as some kind of
revolutionary progress and try to stick them on to anything
they stick.

Just as I described before, I worked JSpider.
Very nice conceptually. It used the visitor pattern and the
whole program was totally async. When you try to spider the
web, using this thing the amount of things you have to do is
quite something to consider. There are ALL sorts of complications,
structures, objects, trees and you name it to be dynamically
constructed, updated, etc.

Try to debug this thing?
Well, I spent at least a week working with that code and trying
to extend it so it has much more powerful functionality and
much more flexible everything.

You can not even DEBUG that thing in async mode, because you
may get ANY async event coming from ANY of the threads,
simpltaneously accessing either some page or entire site.

As a result, you can not single step through this thing
and actually relate anything to anything else.

It was the worst nightmare I recall.

No wonder the guy, who originally wrote JSpider, just gave
up and did not maintain or develop it for the last 5 years
at least, despite the fact that it is the most powerful
spider I saw, at least in Java world, which is the ONLY
thing I am interested in.

Just being able to run my main app on Linux after my win
box was rooted and was unusable for a mont, beats all the
arguments I heard against Java hands down.

There was not even need to recompile it.
Sure, GUI did look quite differently and less pleasing then
on the win, but functionality was perfectly there.

And I see ALL sorts of design pattern that create such a
nightmare from debugging standpoint or even from the standpoint
of being able to quickly analyze your code withing a couple
of seconds in order to implement something or fix something,
that the overall net benefit is zero, if not negative.

But yes, it DOES look on paper as something "revolutionary",
something really "impressive".

As a mind trip that is.

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