Re: Does the standard specify calling conventions?

"Bo Persson" <>
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 17:47:41 +0200
<> wrote:

On Sep 13, 4:52 am, Stuart Redmann <> wrote:

[snipped original question about calling convention modifiers like
MS's __cdecl in STL code]

On 13 Sep., Ian Collins wrote:

It can't disallow something it knows nothing about. As soon as you
start using compiler specific extensions, your code is no longer
standard C++.

Thanks for the clarification. I guess that this is another item on
MS's list where the product is not standard-conformant.

No, it's perfectly allowed for MS to add non-standard extensions to
the language, particularly if the keep them in the implementation
namespace, as __cdecl is. GCC, for example, provides similar
function via __attribute__. Neither is part of the standard.

It's not quite clear what the function in question is doing, but it
appears you're trying to define a an insertion operator in a
template that uses a funcion that uses __cdecl calling conventions.
Why? What is being accomplished by that? Inherently this code is
doing something platform specific, and is non-portable.

Where is this coding coming from? What's the context?

The __cdecl is the default calling convention. It is there in headers
for precompiled library code, just in case the user code is compiled
with some other calling convention.

If you compile with a non-MS compiler, you cannot likely use the same
precompiled library anyway, so a quick

#define __cdecl /*nothing*/

would fix that.

Bo Persson

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