Re: What MFC Objects Can't be created on the Stack?

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 3 Aug 2006 08:58:50 -0700
Hi Ajay,

I'm certainly no expert on this subject, but it seems that IL is just code
like any other and, as such, could be optimized better by one compiler than
another. However, my impression is that each compiler benchmarks better or
worse based on the test (just like any other benchamarks). So it seems like
it could be possible to prove either is faster or slower depending on how
you are performing the tests.


"Ajay Kalra" <> wrote in message

You can discuss it all you want, I am talking about benchmarks. Microsoft
recommends their .NET C++ compiler over their C# compiler.

Do you have a site? Microsoft VC+ PM mentioned this to some clients but
it was just "talk" without any basis. IL is IL whether it comes from
C++ or C#. JIT does the rest. Here is a thread which discussed this:

Read posts by Willy Denoyette about how he created tests and produced
identical results for both C++ and C#. This is what should be expected.


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