Re: Displaying a modal dialog while loading a document

David Wilkinson <>
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:22:38 -0500
Pedro Ferreira wrote:

Hello Charles,

Thank you for the reply.

I created a dialog and made a thread fetch the data into a structure
in memory and everything is working fine :)

I'm starting the thread in the dialog's OnInitDialog, passing its handle
to the thread param (including other pointers packed in a structure).
When the thread ends, it posts a user message (WM_USER + x) to the dialog,
and I call EndDialog from the handler for that message.

Calling ::EndDialog directly from the thread would make the dialog
disappear, but it wouldn't return from DoModal()

Is this the way to do it? It is working but I'm not sure if this
is the right way to end a dialog from another thread.
(I'm passing the HWND to the thread, not the CWnd*)

Posting a message back to the main thread at the very end of the thread
function is a good technique. I usually do a WaitForSingleObject() on
the thread handles to make sure that the thread function has really
ended (it should signal immediately).

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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