Re: mfc CListCtrl overwritnig

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:05:06 -0600
I don't understand what you mean, where does the speed come in? Maybe a
little more description of what you are trying to accomplish.

But the answer is no, there is no style for that.

typcially you would do something like this

void Cxxxx::FillListCtrl()
    //delete all the old items

    //now insert the new ones

here is another way
void Cxxxxx::AddItemToTheTopAndRemoveThebottomOneIfMoreThan5(CString item)
    if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount() > 5)
        m_ListCtrl.DeleteItem(m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount() - 1);


<> wrote in message

The thing is, that it works so fast, that when im using deleteAllItems
i see nothing. So i was thinking if there is a style which makes list
overwrintten, or any other way
to make it visible when im inserting new items.

On 9 Gru, 17:48, "AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <A...@online.nospam> wrote:

You can clear the list using DeleteAllItems, or you can delete an item
DeleteItem, and insert a new on in its place using InsertItem.


<> wrote in message


I have a thread which calls postMessage which fills list in report
mode. I want list to be overwritten, but all i've got is list which
has a few new rows in each call of postMessage. How to change it ? How
to make list, to be overwritten by new rows, not appended ?


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