Re: Can't see my posts

David Wilkinson <>
Wed, 24 Dec 2008 08:19:40 -0500
JR wrote:

Earlier today I posted a new question titled "Resize fixed dialog". I came
back a while later and noticed I couldn't see the post so I figured I
inadvertantly pressed the 'close' button instead of the 'Post' button. So, I
entered it again (sorry if there appears to be 2 very similar threads from

I received an email notification that there was a response to my post. I
followed the link from the email and my browser page is blank. I also go
into the MFC discussion group and do NOT see my post(s).

If someone knows what this issue is, I would greatly appreciate if you could
send me an email: jeremyCAPS.ruth@comcastREMOVE_ALL_CAPS.netCAPS just in case
I can't see this post either. Also, if you happen to see the response to the
'Resize fixed dialog' post, send the response text also. thanks and sorry
for the inconvenience, Jeremy


Recommend you use a newsreader to read these newsgroups. Outlook Express works
fine, but you can also use Thunderbird, Forte Agent or many others.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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