Re: MFC Error Sound on Exit

"David Ching" <>
Tue, 3 Feb 2009 07:16:55 -0800
"Tom Serface" <> wrote in message

Thanks for posting the solution to the thread, but that's kind of a weird
reason for a error beep to happen. I'm glad you found it.

I think it beeps when there is a fatal error that would normally display an
error dialog, but because the app is shutting down, the error dialog does
not appear. The beep has happened to me when I called MessageBox() with a
NULL hParentWnd, and while the message was showing, I closed my app from the
tray icon menu (which was still active even though the modal message box was
showing). Since my app owned the message box window, Windows terminated it
but with the beep. Raymond Chen of Microsoft personally (!) explained to me
that the solution was to display the message box with my main window being
the parent of the message box, so Windows could properly destroy the message
box when I closed my main window (and not wait until the process was

-- David

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