Re: Bypassing the conversion wizard

"Bo Persson" <>
Mon, 9 Mar 2009 17:59:44 +0100
Paul Hager wrote:

It's been suggested that I post my question(s) here - I've thus far
been unable to get a satisfactory solution from the VC++ groups.

I discuss the problem at this link:

Here's a brief synopsis of the issue. I was to port a C++
application writting in 4.2, running on old Windows NT 3.5.1
machines to VC++ 2005 on new machines running Windows XP SP3. I
got the link error referenced in the above link when building the
VC++ 2005 version. To date, the only solution I found was to
obtain 4.2 from Microsoft, install it on the XP machines, build the
application and make my modifications using that.

I've returned to the problem of getting the application to build in
VC++ 2005. Having a version of VS that is still maintained by
Microsoft is preferable to using 4.2. This is particularly
important since in the near future I'm going to be making further
modifications to the application.

The suggestion I'm currently working on is to build an MFC skeleton
and then import the program into it. The person who suggested this
offered no details and thus far my attempts to do that haven't
succeeded. I also was unable to create a project from existing
files - that merely generated 700+ errors.

The thing to remember is that the VC++ application DOES compile, it
just doesn't link. Following the links to the discussion
surrounding "CVTRES : fatal error CVT1100: duplicate resource.
  type:ICON, name:1, language:0x0409 LINK : fatal error LNK1123:
failure during conversion to COFF: file
invalid or corrupt" will provide background. It does appear this is
something the conversion wizard has created.

This looks like some problem with the resources - it might actually be
an icon-problem. :-)

The language 0x0409 actually means English language for the resources.
Seems resonable! I have that in some of my projects, as well as 0x41d
for Swedish.

If I look in a 15 year old project (copy from 1994!) I see that the
first 2 icons, IDR_MAINFRAME and IDR_DOCTYPE, have resource numbers 2
and 3. Perhaps the converter got mixed up, so they both became #1? Or
that there already is another #1 in VS2005?

I suspect that when the linker complains about icon resources, you
should really check the icons in the .rc file. And cross-check them
with resource.h!

Bo Persson

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