Re: Thread termination behavior

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Fri, 3 Apr 2009 14:03:38 -0500
I have never used CreateThead before, I have used AfxBeginThread.

But the doc for CreateThread says that you have to call CloseHandle on it
for it to be disposed. Now I don't know the details of when and where you
can call this function, I wonder if the thread function can call CloseHandle
before it returns. But like I said I

Why are you using CreateThead as supposed to AfxBeginThread?


"BoHuang" <> wrote in message

I have thread A created by CreateThread() and supplied a 'run' function

After the 'run' function returns 0, when can I be sure thread A is

I ask because after the 'run' function terminates, thread A still lingers
Visual Studio's debugger. Except now its call stack is deep in ntdll.dll,
hence I cannot examine what it is doing.

Thread A may or may not disappear soon from debugger window even as my
thread continues executation.

I sometimes get error 170 (Resource in use) when calling wglMakeCurrent()
the main thread, and I suspect the lingering thread A is the culprit.

Should I call CloseHandle() on thread A to close it immediately? If not,
what can I expect from the OS?

Also, when I step into code, I keep on getting into the disassembly window
where it is all assembly code or a mix of assembly and C++ code. How can I
turn that off?

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