Re: MFC/VC/ATL/STL Goldmine has been updated:

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:57:04 -0800
Hi Pete,

Don't go starting that again :o)


"Pete Delgado" <> wrote in message

"tanix" <> wrote in message

MFC Goldmine collection contains the extensive collection of
articles going back several years. It includes thousands of code
examples and expert discussions on all major topics.

Ignoring the fact that you are attempting to make a profit from
information that I and others have posted freely here as a service to
other programmers which is something that I absolutely detest, I find that
your "collection" is poorly organized and would be difficult to use for
any real research.

My main point of contention is that articles are islands and are
completely devoid of context other than what a particular author has
decided to quote from other portions of the thread. Without that context,
one must rely upon you to ensure that each article delivers a complete and
correct problem and solution which I found in a few moments of browsing to
be untrue. It would be better if one could browse a complete thread rather
than a single post in a given thread. In addition, having new windows open
each time I select an article is distracting and bothersome. I am a
professional and I know how to use the "back" button and I also know how
to open a link in a new tab if I wish to keep the search window open. Your
site allows neither.

You have often complained that people do not offer you constructive
criticism on your site. I have offered you at least two points that would
make your site more usable. What you do with them is up to you.

I would like to request that you purge any articles authored by me from
your site.

Thank you.


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