Re: MFC Not Dead

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 10 Jun 2010 10:45:38 -0700
Hi Peter,

I like to mostly stay out of these things, but I've been online a long time
and my advice to you is to:

1. Not be afraid to ask anything. That's what many of us think these forums
are all about.
2. Glean information from the responses that may be helpful to you.
3. Post back any findings you have to allow others following the thread to
know the resolution if interested.
4. Ignore everything else. When someone posts condescending remarks, simply
ignore them.

That doesn't mean an energetic technical discussion isn't fun sometimes, but
when it digresses to personal comments then the best thing to do is just not
respond to them IMO.



"Peter Olcott" <> wrote in message

On 6/10/2010 11:35 AM, Pete Delgado wrote:

I can do research myself. It is often much quicker to simply ask someone
that already knows from the top of their head. The big problem is that
when I ask a question on usenet most often many people that do not know
the answer still respond. This is the root cause of the meaningless


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