Re: problems of storing dynamically created objects in a vector

"BobR" <>
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 05:43:26 GMT
Jess <> wrote in message...

I have a program that stores dynamically created objects into a

Read the other posts first, if you haven't.

Putting it all together (assuming you don't want to use a 'smart pointer',
as Ian mentioned), here's a little demo:

// #includes here
#include <sstream>
std::ostringstream out;

class A7{ public:
     A7(){ out<<"A7()"<<std::endl;}
     ~A7(){ out<<"~A7()"<<std::endl;}
     A7( A7 const &){ out<<"A7(const A7&)"<<std::endl;}
// A7& operator=( A7 const &){
// out<<"operator=( A7 const &)"<<std::endl;
// return *this;
// }

int main(){ using std::cout; // for NG post
    cout<<"\n - A7 test -"<<std::endl;
    std::vector<A7> svA7( 3 );
    out<<"- destructing -"<<std::endl;
    std::vector<A7*> svA7( 3 );
    // -- fill it --
    for( std::vector<A7*>::iterator i( svA7.begin() );
                i != svA7.end(); ++i ){
        *i = new A7;
    // -- clean it out --
    for( std::vector<A7*>::iterator i( svA7.begin() );
                i != svA7.end(); ++i ){
        delete *i;
        // *i = 0; // in case it gets called again (if function)
    out.clear(); out.str("");
    cout<<"\n - A7 test - END"<<std::endl;
    return 0;
    }// main()

[ Why 'out'? Because that's the way I needed to try it in my TestBench pgm,
and I just didn't feel like changing them all back to std::cout. <G> ]
Bob R

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