Re: problems of storing dynamically created objects in a vector

 Jess <>
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 04:56:31 -0700
On Jun 10, 3:43 pm, "BobR" <> wrote:

Jess <> wrote in message...

I have a program that stores dynamically created objects into a

Read the other posts first, if you haven't.

Putting it all together (assuming you don't want to use a 'smart pointer',
as Ian mentioned), here's a little demo:

// #includes here
#include <sstream>
std::ostringstream out;

class A7{ public:
     A7(){ out<<"A7()"<<std::endl;}
     ~A7(){ out<<"~A7()"<<std::endl;}
     A7( A7 const &){ out<<"A7(const A7&)"<<std::endl;}
// A7& operator=( A7 const &){
// out<<"operator=( A7 const &)"<<std::endl;
// return *this;
// }

int main(){ using std::cout; // for NG post
    cout<<"\n - A7 test -"<<std::endl;
    std::vector<A7> svA7( 3 );
    out<<"- destructing -"<<std::endl;
    std::vector<A7*> svA7( 3 );
    // -- fill it --
    for( std::vector<A7*>::iterator i( svA7.begin() );
                i != svA7.end(); ++i ){
        *i = new A7;
    // -- clean it out --
    for( std::vector<A7*>::iterator i( svA7.begin() );
                i != svA7.end(); ++i ){
        delete *i;
        // *i = 0; // in case it gets called again (if function)
    out.clear(); out.str("");
    cout<<"\n - A7 test - END"<<std::endl;
    return 0;
    }// main()

[ Why 'out'? Because that's the way I needed to try it in my TestBench pgm,
and I just didn't feel like changing them all back to std::cout. <G> ]
Bob R

Thanks! I've run the example on my computer and here's what I've got:

 - A7 test -
A7(const A7&)
A7(const A7&)
A7(const A7&)
- destructing -

Where does the first A() come from? I guess when the vector of three
A7 objects is constructed perhaps one A7 object is created first and
then copy constructor is called three times to copy the initial object
to the vector. Then the first ~A() means the initial A7 object is
destroyed? When is it destroyed? Furthermore, does a vector always
create an initial object and then destroy with the vector finishes
with it? I think this is what Ian meant? Is there any way that the
compiler doesn't create a temporary object?


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