Re: CListBox question again

=?Utf-8?B?QWw=?= <>
Wed, 7 Mar 2007 19:39:03 -0800
This code works fine, the names show up in the CListBox and as you can see I
add the CTempName* to see if I could GetItemDataPtr, which it looks like I
could. The same pointer that went in comes out. Where the problem starts is
when I select one of the names from the list. I call the GetItemDataPtr here
and it does not come back with a pointer, looks like a null pointer. If I try
to use a pName->m_Name, I will get an error because the pointer is not
pointing at anything. I am loosing the data from when I call OnInitDialog()
to when the OnSelchangeListName(). Is there a way that I can see the data in
the CListBox during this period or if you have a better solution please let
me know. Thanks for the help!
Just Al

"Tom Serface" wrote:

Did you check the retrurn in pName at the top? Does it contain what you'd
expected? Did any of the strings show up in the control? Otherwise, this
looks OK at first glance. I'm assuming you did call GetDocument() or
something to fill in the m_pDoc pointer.


"Al" <> wrote in message

CName* pName;
CName* pTempName;
for(x=0; x<Max; x++)
   pName = m_pDoc->m_Object.m_NameList.GetAt(x);
   c_ListNames.SetItemDataPtr(x, pName);
   pTempName = (CNames*)c_ListNames.GetItemDataPtr(x);
Sorry I missed so code before. The m_NameList is a CTypedPtrArray in the
m_Object class. I see the names and the pointer changes when I
and gets the same pointer when I retrieve them with GetItemDataPtr. This
is in the OnInitailDlg() function of the dialog with the CListBox in it.
a name is selected in the CListBox the code in the OnSelchangeListName()
run where when I try to use the same method of GetItemDataPtr to retrieve
pointer will give me NULL.
Just Al

"Al" wrote:

CName* pName;
CName* pTempName;
for(x=0 x<Max; x++)
    c_ListNames.SetItemDataPtr(x, pName);
    pTempName = (CNames*)c_ListPlayerNames.GetItemDataPtr(x);
I added the pTempName to see if I could retrieve a pointer and I am. But
when a name is selected in the ListBox, it goes to OnSelectListBox()
and when I try to retrieve the pointer there I get NULL
Just Al

"Tom Serface" wrote:

Hmmm, the Owner Draw setting shouldn't affect this (especially if set
false). How did you allocate the memory for the pointers you are
using the SetItemDataPtr() call? Maybe you could post a little of that
snippet? I'd be happy to give it a look.

"Al" <> wrote in message

Well I am still having a problem. When compiling there are no errors
the (CObject*) cast. But it does not any of the pointers that I
SetItemDataPtr when I Initialized the CListBox. The Owner Draw option
list box is set to "No" if that matters. Where do you think I am
making my

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