Re: Winsock Control

clinisbut <>
Thu, 22 Nov 2007 06:35:36 -0800 (PST)
Well, after investigating in the morning I could write this code to
try the CAsyncSocket.
I'm blocked in receiving the data, CAsyncSocket.receive returns a -1
error and calling GetLastError can't
get any details of what is failing.

I've created a new class that wraps CAsyncSocket (MySocket).
In my app header ( CUart2Dlg ) I create two instances of MySocket
( m_SocketServer and m_SocketListener ).
Inside MySocket I throw the events to the CUart2Dlg to write there the

Here the definition of my class Dialog:
class CUart2Dlg : public CDialog
// Construction
    CUart2Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
    void OnAccept();
    void OnClose();
    void OnRecieve();
    // [...]
    MySocket m_SocketServer;
    MySocket m_SocketListener;

    // [...]

This is my initDialog application:

BOOL CUart2Dlg::OnInitDialog()

    // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this
    // when the application's main window is not a dialog
    SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
    SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon

    m_SocketServer.SetParentDlg( this );
    m_SocketListener.SetParentDlg( this );
    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control

And the event handlers:
void CUart2Dlg::OnClickOpenServer()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

    m_SocketServer.Create( m_iTcpPort );

    //Empezamos a escuchar
    if( m_SocketServer.Listen()==FALSE )
        AfxMessageBox( "Unable to listen on that port, please try another
port" );

    addString( IDC_TCPDEBUG, _T("Waiting for conection...\r\n") );

void CUart2Dlg::OnAccept()
    CString strIP;
    UINT port;
    if(m_SocketServer.Accept( m_SocketListener ) )
        m_SocketServer.GetSockName( strIP, port );
        addString( IDC_TCPDEBUG, _T("Client connected: " + strIP+"\r\n" ) );
        m_SocketServer.Send("Connected To Server",strlen("Connected To

        AfxMessageBox("Cannoot Accept Connection");

//Al recibir datos
void CUart2Dlg::OnRecieve()
    //char *pBuf =new char [1025];
    unsigned char* pBuf[100];

    CString strData;
    int iLen;
    iLen = m_SocketServer.Receive( pBuf,100 );

    strData.Format( _T("Data length recieved:%d"), iLen );
    MessageBox( strData );

        AfxMessageBox("Could not Recieve");
        strData.Format( _T("Error: %d"),m_SocketServer.GetLastError() ); //
<---Returns 0
        AfxMessageBox( "Yes");

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