MFC VC Paint Experts
Articles: 359 Generated on: Sat, 18 Apr 2015
Subject From
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: ActiveX
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Auto scrollbar
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Bargraphs
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Bargraphs in VC++ 6.0
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: CClientDC and TabCtrl ?
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: CDC.TextOut
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: CEdit white
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Child Window Creation
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Clickable images on a dialog
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: CPaintDC and Tab Control ?
Alex Blekhman
Re: CPaintDC class
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: CRichEditCtrl
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: CRichEditView doublt
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: CScrollView & scroll bars
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: CView and bitmap problem
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: display array in a frame wnd
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Displaying a bitmap
Alexander Grigoriev
Re: Drawing from a thread
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Drawing in CHtmlView
Jonathan Wood
Re: Drawing Layers
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Edit Control
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Failure to repaint
David Wilkinson
Re: Focus issue
William DePalo [MVP VC++]
Re: Forms and VC++
Tom Serface
Re: grid
David Ching
Re: GUI update
Norbert Unterberg
Re: HICON from HWND?
William DePalo [MVP VC++]
Re: How to do VB's DoEvent in VC win32?
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: How to use InvalidateRect
Paul Baker [MVP, Windows - SDK]
Re: Is it possible to fix this WINDOWS bug?
Doug Harrison [MVP]
Re: isIconic issue again...
Karsten Schulz
Re: jpeg2000 thumbnail
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: MFC Error Sound on Exit
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: MFC Interview Tests
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: MFC Message Map Problems
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: multi-thread problem
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: My app's window class
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Not call OnCtlColor
David Wilkinson
Re: OnDraw
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: OnEraseBkgd
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: OnIdle() alternatives
Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]
Re: problem with const string&
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Progress Dialog Box
Alexander Nickolov
Re: StretchBlt()
John Carson
Re: Text Ticker
Re: Time
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Transparent background
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Transparent btn on dlg
Mark Salsbery [MVP]
Re: TransparentBlt troubles...
Doug Harrison [MVP]
Re: UI Freeze Problem
David Wilkinson
Re: UpdateAllViews
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Using bitmaps with CPaintDC
David Ching
Re: Vista Aero
Ben Voigt
Re: Warning?
Giovanni Dicanio
Re: why UI gets hangs
David Ching
Re: Word Capture
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