Re: CSMTPConnection SendMessage() problem

"Peter Boulton" <peter@data*no-spam*>
Mon, 29 May 2006 18:54:00 +0100
OP here. The code I quoted in my last message (see below) works in a simple
Win32 DLL build with VS2005. I don't know why my original code didn't work
in VS2005.

If anyone wants my smtp dll, which has been expanded to handle ccs, bccs,
multiple attachments etc. please just email me (remove "*no-spam*" from the
quoted email address) and I will send it by return. The prototype is as
follows, just so you know what you'd be getting!

extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) BOOL SendSMTPMessage( LPCTSTR szServer,
              LPCTSTR szSender,
              LPCTSTR szSenderLongName,
              LPCTSTR szTo,
              LPCTSTR szCC,
              LPCTSTR szSubject,
              LPCTSTR szBody,
              LPCTSTR szAttachments, /* = NULL */
              ATL_MIME_PRIORITY nPriority, /* = ATL_MIME_NORMAL_PRIORITY */
              LPCTSTR szBCC /* = NULL */


"Peter Boulton" <peter@data*no-spam*> wrote in message

I'm half way to answering my own question (as no one else has!). I'm
beginning to think this is a VS2005 problem, as I just built a test simple
DLL in VS2003 modelled on the code I quoted below, which uses the
following exported function, WHICH WORKS!

// -----------------------------------------------------
extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) BOOL SendSMTPMessage(LPCTSTR szServer,
LPCTSTR szFrom, LPCTSTR szTo, LPCTSTR szSubject,

LPCTSTR szAttachments, LPCTSTR szBody)

 CMimeMessage msg;
 //msg.SetSenderName(_T("Peter Boulton"));
 if(szAttachments != NULL)

 // Attempt to connect to the specified SMTP server
 CSMTPConnection connection;
 if (!connection.Connect(szServer))
  MessageBox(NULL, _T("Unable to connect to server!"), "SMTP.DLL", MB_OK);
  return FALSE;
  if (!connection.SendMessage(msg))
   MessageBox(NULL, _T("Connected to server but failed to send message!"),
   return FALSE;

MessageBox(NULL, "Your email was sent!", "SMTP.DLL", MB_OK);

return TRUE;
// -----------------------------------------------------

Over the weekend I shall try to port the DLL to VS2005 and see if it

Incidentally, the original (VS2005) code falls over during one of the
WriteData() calls within CSMTPConnection::SendMessage().

Any feedback welcome, in the meantime! Thanks!


"Peter Boulton" <peter@data*no-spam*> wrote in message


I'm trying to send an email using the following code, but it always fails
to send the message on the "if (!connection.SendMessage"(msg))" line:
#include <atlsmtpconnection.h> // Required for smtp mail!

void SendIt(void)
 CMimeMessage msg;
 msg.SetSenderName(_T("Peter Boulton"));

 // Attempt to connect to the specified SMTP server
 CSMTPConnection connection;
 if (!connection.Connect(m_Server))
  MessageBox(_T("Unable to connect to server!"));
  if (!connection.SendMessage(msg)) // <<<<< Always fails here!
   MessageBox(_T("Connected to server but failed to send message!"));

All the variables are correctly initialised and set etc..

Any help greatly appreciated! This is in an MFC dialog application,
built and compiled with VS2005.


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