Re: can event handler call event source passed as connection point parameter?

"Xudong" <>
29 Sep 2006 01:57:48 -0700
Here they are:

[ object, uuid(...), dual, nonextensible, pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IServer : IDispatch
    [id(11)] HRESULT SomeMethod();

In library section:

[ uuid(...) ]
dispinterface _IServerEvents
          [id(3)] void OnSomeEvent([in] IServer * ptr, [in] long

[ uuid(...), noncreatable ]
coclass Server
    [default] interface IServer;
    [default, source] dispinterface _IServerEvents;

Thanks a lot.

Igor Tandetnik wrote:

Xudong <> wrote:

What's weird here is that if I do a redundant QueryInterface on the
pointer for its own type, the code runs normal! The code is similar to

// event source in free threaded DLL
class CServer ... {
   Fire_OnSomeEvent(IServer* ptr) { // ATL generated
       HRESULT hr = Invoke(...);

   SomeMethod() {}

// event handler in apartment threaded EXE
class CClient ... {
   void __stdcall OnSomeEvent(IServer * ptr) {
       ptr->QueryInterface(IID_IServer, (void**)&ptr); // line X
       ptr->SomeMethod(): // line Y

With line X, everything works fine and line Y does call through

Show the definition of IServer. What kind of interface is it - dual,
automation, custom? Show the definition of OnSomeEvent: what type
parameter is it declared to have?
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

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