Re: variant memory leak

"PaulH" <>
14 Nov 2006 09:10:05 -0800
On Nov 14, 10:17 am, "PaulH" <> wrote:

I have a COM object with the interface IMyInterface and a function
GetDataList(), as below. But, when I go to use the GetDataList()
function, as in SomeFunction(), I have a memory leak.
Can anybody point out to me where my problem is?

Also, if there's an obviously more efficient way to implement the
GetDataList() function, please feel free to point it out to me.

Thank you,

STDMETHODIMP CMyInterface::GetDataList(VARIANT * list)

    //create safearray
    CComSafeArray<BYTE> data;
    CComSafeArrayBound bound[1];
    hr = data.Create(bound, 1);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    for (UINT i = 0; i < dwSize; ++i)
        data.SetAt(i, m_DataBuffer[i]);

    //copy safearray to return value
    CComVariant vtReturnVal(data.Detach());
    return vtReturnVal.Detach(list);

}CComPtr<IMyInterface> m_spObject;

void SomeFunction()
    _variant_t theList;
    if (SUCCEEDED(m_spObject->GetDataList(&theList.GetVariant())))


That fixes my problem.
Thank you,

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