Re: COM Interface intialization

"Steven Edison" <EdisonCPP@newsgroups.nospam>
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 15:30:31 -0500
So Igor what are you suggesting?

something like:

STDMETHODIMP CAnotherInterfaceImpl::GetItemInfo(IItemInfo** pRetUnk)
     CItemInfo* pInfo = new CItemInfo; //above impl class
     pInfo->SetSomeData(0x42); //exposed through impl. class, but not the
                                                     //interface so caller
can't set
                                                   //"somedata", but it can
be done here.

    //pInfo->AddRef(); //?? maybe ??

     IItemInfo* piItemInfo = NULL;
     hr = pInfo->QueryInterface(IID_IItemInfo, &piItemInfo);
     /******** now do what with pInfo??? **************/
     //pIinfo->Release(); //?? maybe ??
     if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && piItemInfo)
          *pRetUnk = pInfo;
          return S_OK;
     return hr;


"Igor Tandetnik" <> wrote in message

"Steven Edison" <EdisonCPP@newsgroups.nospam> wrote in message

but I need SetSomeData() hidden from caller.

Note that the code calling SetSomeData has CItemInfo* pointer (to be
exact, a pointer to a class derived from CItemInfo), rather than
IItemInfo* pointer. Via this CItemInfo* pointer, the code has access to
any public methods of the class, whether or not they are exposed on a COM

The only way I can think of is another exposed interface with sets in
it? Is there a better way?

What's wrong with the way I've shown? You seem to misunderstand what's
going on there.
With best wishes,
   Igor Tandetnik

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