Fire an event with an Interface pointer
Is it possible to fire an event with an interface pointer as an argument?
Say for instance I have an ATL object called CObj, this object fires an
event, I want a parameter of this event to be an interface pointer to the
object itself.
in the idl file I have created the following;
dispinterface _IObjEvents
[id(1), helpstring("method event")] HRESULT Event([in] IObj* pobj);
Then within the object I fire the event in the following manner;
HRESULT CSomeObj::SomeFunc() {
// ---- or maybe ---- Fire_Event(CComPtr<IObj>(this));
return S_OK;
When I look at the generated _CP.h file it doesn't seem that the generated
code is correct, it generated the following;
HRESULT Fire_Event( IObj * pobj)
CComVariant avarParams[1];
avarParams[0] = pobj;
CComVariant varResult;
When I run this code using a VB client the program crashes on the event
handler, it states that the object in empty. I know this must be possible,
any help would be greatly appreciated
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