Why does this execScript code work
I have an HTML page like this:
<title>Javascript example</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function myfunction() {
document.write("Hello World")
This is my static text
<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Click Me" onClick="myfunction()">
And IE automation code like this:
// Call a JavaScript function on page
LRESULT CMainDlg::OnScript(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL&
// Enter text in designated form and designated field
CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispDoc;
HRESULT hr=m_spBrowser->get_Document(&spDispDoc);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// ... and query for an HTML document
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spHTMLDoc = spDispDoc;
if (spHTMLDoc != NULL)
//IHTMLWindow2 parentWindow = doc.parentWindow;
CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> spWin2;
if (hr == S_OK && spWin2 != NULL)
CComBSTR type = L"javascript";
CComBSTR bstrScript = "myfunction";
CComVariant vRet;
hr=spWin2->execScript(bstrScript, type, &vRet);
return 0;
When the spWin2->execScript function returns, hr is 0 and vRet is VT_EMPTY
(there is no return value from javascript function. But it doesn't seem to
work in that the javascript function doesn't seem to be run. What am I
doing wrong?