Re: LPCWSTR to CString conversion problem

=?Utf-8?B?Um9oaXQgS3VtYXI=?= <>
Mon, 9 Jul 2007 06:22:01 -0700
I am trying out the following program...

    <key name="first" value="1250A"/>
    <key name="second" value="1250B"/>

And I want to read a value of a key named "foo":

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include "xmllite.h"
#include <strsafe.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  CComPtr<IStream> pFileStream;
  CComPtr<IXmlReader> pReader;
  XmlNodeType nodeType;
  const WCHAR* pName;
  const WCHAR* pValue;

  //Open XML document
  if (FAILED(hr = SHCreateStreamOnFile(L"config.xml",
    STGM_READ, &pFileStream)))
    wprintf(L"Error opening XML document, error %08.8lx", hr);
    return -1;

  if (FAILED(hr = CreateXmlReader(__uuidof(IXmlReader),
    (void**)&pReader, NULL)))
    wprintf(L"Error creating XmlReader, error %08.8lx", hr);
    return -1;

  if (FAILED(hr = pReader->SetInput(pFileStream)))
    wprintf(L"Error setting input for XmlReader, error %08.8lx", hr);
    return -1;

  while (S_OK == (hr = pReader->Read(&nodeType)))
    switch (nodeType)
    case XmlNodeType_Element:
      if (FAILED(hr = pReader->GetQualifiedName(&pName, NULL)))
        wprintf(L"Error reading element name, error %08.8lx", hr);
        return -1;
      if (wcscmp(pName, L"key") == 0)
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr =
          pReader->MoveToAttributeByName(L"name", NULL)))
          if (FAILED(hr = pReader->GetValue(&pValue, NULL)))
            wprintf(L"Error reading attribute value, error %08.8lx", hr);
            return -1;
          if (wcscmp(pValue, L"foo") == 0)
            //That's an element we are looking for
            if (FAILED(hr =
              pReader->MoveToAttributeByName(L"value", NULL)))
              wprintf(L"Error reading attribute \"value\", error %08.8lx",
              return -1;
            if (FAILED(hr = pReader->GetValue(&pValue, NULL)))
              wprintf(L"Error reading attribute value, error %08.8lx", hr);
              return -1;
            wprintf(L"Key \"foo\"'s value is \"%s\" ", pValue);
  return 0;

I am using the above program with some modifications.

if (FAILED(hr = pReader->GetValue(&pValue, NULL)))

here pValue has the value "1280.50A." and i assign it to a cstring NewV.
There are no errors.

Then i use the following piece f code

       if(isdigit(NewV.GetAt(i)) == FALSE)
            hasAlpha = TRUE;

But when i is 0, then the if loop gets executed where it should have not
entered. I hope you got where the problem is. Using iswdigit doesnt help
either. My project is in unicode.


"SvenC" wrote:


sorry i intended to write getat(0). My cstring variable NewVersion which
contains the return value of GetValue() function has the value
"1280.50.". I get the first character of the string and pass it to
isdigit(). But it returns false. I guess there is some problem with the
LPCWSTR to CString conversion. When i manually initialize the NewVersion
as NewVersion = "1280.50.", then the first character wen passed to
isdigit() returns true.

Please show your code.
Do you compile as Unicode or Ansi? If Unicode use iswdigit to test a single


"Igor Tandetnik" wrote:

"Rohit Kumar" <> wrote in message

I am using xmllite methods for reading from an xml file inside my
interface method. There is a function IXmlReader::GetValue which
returns the value of the xml element. The return value is an LPCWSTR.
When i try assigning it to a CString and use the first element of
that cstring using getat(1) then it returns a garbage value.

GetAt(1) returns the second character of the string, not the first. Are
you sure the string is long enough? What exactly do you mean by "garbage
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925

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