Re: error C2898: HRESULT IUnknown::QueryInterface(Q**p) : member function templates cannot be virtual

 tom <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 23:53:34 -0700
On 21 Sie, 13:49, "Igor Tandetnik" <> wrote:

"tom" <> wrote in message

I try to move all C-based interfaces in my application to COM. I

class IMyIf
virtual void Foo() = 0;



__interface IMyIf : IUnknown
virtual void Foo() = 0;

but when I try to compile simple console based application with this
interface I get following error

error C2898: HRESULT IUnknown::QueryInterface(Q**p) : member function
templates cannot be virtual

Just make it

struct IMyIf : public IUnknown {
    STDMETHOD(Foo)() = 0;


Better still, define your interfaces in an IDL file and use
MIDL-generated header.

Thanks Igor,
So, your advise is to give up with __interface and use just struct,
but why ? Isn't '__interface' supposed to work with COM - I thought
that this this extension is made to work with COM easier ...
On the other side,in the future, I rewrite most important interfaces
to MIDL, it probably generates struct {} so it makes a little
difference, but
I have a bigger problem- on this machine even standard ATL project
doesn't compile ( the same error as above ), but on the second one
everythng goes with no problems. The only difference is in
preprocessed unknwn.h file - it is something like that:

typedef struct IUnknown IUnknown; // ok
typedef __interface IUnknown IUnknown; // this one doesn't compile.

Both have Visual Studio 2005 on WindowsVista. I see no difference in
project configuration ... Do you know what can be a problem ?

Thanks in advance,

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