Re: HRESULT only required for Automation-compatible interfaces?
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 23:05:33 +0200, Igor Tandetnik <>=
Boris <> wrote:
Is it correct that the return type HRESULT is only required for
Automation-compatible interfaces?
HRESULT return type is required for any marshallable method (one not
marked [local], and not part of an interface marked [local]).
Marshalling system needs to return its own error codes there (e.g.
network connection failed).
Igor, I've been playing around with [local] but didn't get far. The =
problem is that when I create a [local] interface which is neither =
Automation-compatible nor cares about marshalling I end up using datatyp=
es =
MIDL doesn't like (because it doesn't know them). Here's an example:
[local, ...]
__interface IBarLocal
std::string GetString();
When MIDL tries to parse the IDL file it obviously complains about =
std::string. And putting the whole definition of std::string into the ID=
L =
file is a bit difficult. :)
I must do something wrong or look for the solution in the wrong place. T=
he =
basic problem I have is that my COM classes which implement a lot of =
interfaces for "public use" have to exchange some more data which might =
not be Automation-compatible.
Imagine a method like this:
STDMETHODIMP Foo::DoSomething(IBar *bar)
// IBar is a public interface which is meant to be used by customers =
of =
the library.
// In order for Foo::DoSomething() to work data in IBar must be acces=
sed =
which must be
// there for IBar to work but which is not meant to be seen by custom=
ers =
of the library.
// As Foo needs to access some hidden data now I thought of implement=
ing =
another (maybe
// local?) interface IBarLocal:
IBarLocal *barlocal;
HRESULT hr = bar->QueryInterface(&barlocal);
// Now barlocal refers to a COM interface which doesn't need to be =
// as it's only for internal use. The idea is now to access any =
C++ stuff directly (std::string
// is only an example as this one could be easily converted to BSTR o=
f =
std::string s = barlocal->GetString();
What I wonder now is: How should IBarLocal ideally be defined? Or is the=
re =
anything wrong in the way I proceed?