ATL shell extension calls an ATL COM object but crashes after bein

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Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:31:03 -0800
Hi, I am cross-posting this after being asked to post it here instead of at's general Visual C++ group.

I have a shell extension that calls another ATL COM object to authenticate
the user and upload a file over HTTPS and open a browser by using
ShellExecute to show the status of the upload. Both are written in VS 2008
with no dependency on .Net. I'm using wininet.lib functionality for the HTTPS

My shell extension is very similar to this Codeproject article . It is an ATL


The code to authenticate the user and upload the file is also an ATL
project. I had a previous thread that suggested I use smart pointer to call a
COM object which seems like a good idea
( My
problem is that my shell extension works fine for a while but after I have
run it a few times in a row, the explorer.exe process crashes. I have tried
to move the code that uploads the file etc into my shell extension and I
don't have any stability problems when I do this. The code is shared though
so I really would like to avoid that.


I haven't seen any examples of one ATL COM dll/project that calls another
ATL COM dll, should that work fine? My code to call the ATL COM object looks
like this:


 CComBSTR cbstrAuthEnv = "env1";
  CComBSTR cbstrFilename = "C:\Test.doc";
  MyUploadLib::IMyUploadObjPtr upload;

  url = upload->getUrl();

  HINSTANCE result = ShellExecute(NULL, wszShellCmd, url , NULL, NULL,

  errorMsg = upload->getError();

  if(errorMsg .length() > 0)
    MessageBox ( m_lpcmInvokeCmdInfo->hwnd
     , errorMsg
     , _T("Send My File"),
                         MB_ICONINFORMATION );



It is when the call to authenticate that it normally crashes. Like I
mentioned earlier, the identical code runs fine if I have everything inside
the shell extension.


Any ideas what to look for? I can create the ATL COM project as a regular
dll or some kind of lib or whatever else might work if that is truly the



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