Re: WCHAR conversion problem

=?Utf-8?B?ScOxYWtp?= <>
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:57:02 -0700
Hi Giovanni,

The problem is that Cache_detail is part from an API I could not modifie.
You could found the API on:

I'm trying to use FbwfFindNext

"Giovanni Dicanio" wrote:

"I??aki" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I need to convert a WCHAR[] to a char* but I don't know how can I do that.
I'm not c++ expert... and I'm using an API with WCHARs...

What I need to convert is fileName of the following struct to a char*:

typedef struct _FbwfCacheDetail {
   ULONG cacheSize; // size of cache used by the file
   ULONG openHandleCount; // number of currently opened handles
   ULONG fileNameLength; // file name length in bytes
   WCHAR fileName[1]; // file name (may not be
} FbwfCacheDetail, *PFbwfCacheDetail;

I've tried the following:
char *FileName = (char *)malloc( MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH );

In modern C++ I would not use this malloc() stuff: you have new,
std::vector, robust string classes like CString[A|W], these are better tools
to build quality code, IMHO.

You may try this function Utf16ToAnsi(), like this:

 CStringA filename = Utf16ToAnsi(
     Cache_detail->fileName, // UTF-16 string
     Cache_detail->fileNameLength // length in *bytes*

Note that it is unusual in Windows programming to have length of string
expressed in bytes. Usually length of strings are expressed in TCHARs (which
equals bytes only for ANSI strings, not for Unicode UTF-16 strings...).

Here's the commented code of Utf16ToAnsi()'s body:


// Converts a string from Unicode (UTF-16) to ANSI.
// The input string length is specified in bytes (8 bits),
// and the input string could be not NUL terminated.
CStringA Utf16ToAnsi( const WCHAR * utf16String, ULONG lengthInBytes )
    // Convert length from bytes to WCHAR count
    const int lengthInWChars = lengthInBytes / sizeof(WCHAR);

    // Get the size, in bytes, of destination buffer
    // (to store ANSI string)
    int ansiBufferSize = ::WideCharToMultiByte(
        CP_ACP, // current system Windows ANSI code page
        0, // default flags
        utf16String, // pointer to UTF-16 string to convert
        lengthInWChars, // length in wide chars
        NULL, // destination buffer (unused)
        0, // request size (in bytes) for dest. buffer
        NULL, NULL // do not use default char
    if ( ansiBufferSize == 0 )
        // Error occurred...
        // Throw an exception with GetLastError() or something...

    // Allocate destination buffer with proper size
    std::vector< char > ansiBuffer( ansiBufferSize );

    // Do the conversion
    int result = ::WideCharToMultiByte(
        CP_ACP, // current system Windows ANSI code page
        0, // default flags
        utf16String, // pointer to UTF-16 string to convert
        lengthInWChars, // length in wide chars
        &ansiBuffer[0], // destination buffer
        ansiBufferSize, // size (in bytes) of destination buffer
        NULL, NULL // do not use default char
    if ( result == 0 )
        // Error

    // Return a copy of the string
    return CStringA( &ansiBuffer[0], ansiBufferSize );



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