Re: AddRef/Release side effects - is this ok?

"Igor R." <>
Mon, 7 Sep 2009 05:47:40 -0700 (PDT)

So the count will be above internal_refcount with the proxies (or, in fact, direct clients), and
will go down to internal_refcount once all clients disconnect.

Ok, I see now, the proxy certainly doesn't see my "internal" refs

Here's one way to work around this difficulty. Create two C++ classes -
one is what you have now sans slots, the other containing slots and a
trivial IUnknown implementation with its own refcount (let's call it
event sink).

This is very nice idea! I think it can be even simplified a bit.
Actually, what I need is an additional "client" to my wrapper that
would hold exactly 1 reference - until all the slots are disconnected.
Once this's achieved, the wrapper itself can continue serving as the
slot implementation, without the need to split it. So probably the
following simple scheme would be sufficient (or do I miss
something?) :

class wrapper : // al the ATL stuff
  void init()
    holder_.reset(take_iunknown_from_this..., mem_fn
(&IUnknown::Release)); // holder_ will be copied, but no AddRef's will
this)), holder_)); // bind holder_ as a superfluous param to every
async. event source

  ULONG InternalRelease()
    ULONG ref = __super::InternalRelease();
    if (ref == 1)

  shared_ptr<IUnknown> holder_;

Thanks a lot for your assistance!

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