Re: No Type Library?
"Alexander Adam" <> wrote in message
But as the ATL COM Objects had been just wrappers around my internal
model which gained pretty big, I've decided to implement IDispatchEx
within a Template and let each my of my internal objects beeing a
derived class of the template itself. Now I need a way to map my
getter/setter and invoke functions to my internal object's functions.
I've thought to register those with an dispid but the problem I have
is that this should happen in a very generous way. So I am registering
my getter, setter and standard methods and give the count and type of
my parameters. The question is, how I can call into those functions
within my template?
See IDispEventSimpleImpl - it does precisely that, based on sink map
(see also BEGIN_SINK_MAP, SINK_ENTRY_INFO et al). You can use it as is,
or study its source code for some ideas.
On another one, now that I've skipped using ATL Objects, I've got the
issue of not having a FinalCreate and FinalRelease function that is,
due implementing reference counting myself, at the creation of my
object the reference counter goes down to zero
How does this happen? For the counter to go down to zero, it must first
go up to one. So, just make sure you don't AddRef then Release your
object during construction. There's no reason to do that.
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925