Re: Typelib issue
"George" <> wrote in message
Off the top of my head, ATL uses type information to implement
IDispatch portion of a dual interface, as well as IDispatch for an
event sink.
What do you mean "implement" IDispatch portion of a dual interface?
An interface is an abstact class with pure virtual method. To implement
an interface means to implement its virtual methods.
A dual interface derives from IDispatch. To implement a dual interface,
one has to implement the methods of this interface proper, as well as
the four methods of IDispatch, such as IDispatch::Invoke (and the three
of IUnknown, of course).
ATL is C++ template class, code is already there and just need a type
name as type parameter. I am confused what do you mean implement?
IDispatchImpl also takes a LIBID as a parameter. What do you think it's
for? You don't have to guess - just look at the source code and find
When was the last time you manually implemented IDispatch::Invoke?
You mean implement current cocolass or use typelib to implement/refer
other types?
I don't understand this question.
Any other usage for typelib beyond what we discussed?
Probably. You don't expect an exhaustive list of everything anyone could
have ever possibly used a typelib for, do you?
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925