Re: Compilation problem with templates
mlimber a ?crit :
On Apr 26, 7:23 am, Jerome Durand <> wrote:
I'm trying to write something along the following lines
but I cannot get this to compile.
template <typename derived> struct Base {
typedef typename derived::valueType valueType;
virtual valueType Value() = 0;
struct CharValue: Base<CharValue>{
typedef char valueType ;
valueType Value() {return 'a';}
struct IntValue: Base<IntValue> {
typedef int valueType ;
valueType Value() {return 1234;}
The compiler outputs (first error only):
Error 1: 'valueType' : is not a member of CharValue'
Could someone tell me what is wrong with this?
You're effectively trying to use CharValue and IntValue before they're
defined. Why not simplify it like this:
template <typename T> struct Base {
typedef T valueType;
virtual valueType Value() = 0;
struct CharValue: Base<char>{
valueType Value() {return 'a';}
struct IntValue: Base<int> {
valueType Value() {return 1234;}
Cheers! --M
because this is a trimmed down version of my problem,
where there's more than a single function and hence
more than a single return type required.
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