Re: Multi Inheritance

 Ali Karaali <>
Fri, 03 Aug 2007 02:02:21 -0700

You can't. That is, you can't make the existing code call your nvfunc()
implementation. But you can obtain that effect for your own code, by
wrapping the class, e.g.

   class MyServerBase
       virtual ServerBase& impl() = 0;
       virtual ~MyServerBase() {}
       virtual void nvfunc() const { impl().nvfunc(); }

   class MyServerDer: public MyServeBase
       ServerDer myImpl;
       ServerDer& impl() { return myImpl; }
       virtual void nvfunc() cosnt { ... }

Maybe i think it can be, like this

class NewBase {
 public :
    virtual void vfunc() const = 0;
    virtual void nvfunc() const = 0;
    virtual void new_vfunc() const = 0;
    virtual ~NewBase()

class Join : public NewBase , public ServerBase {
 public :
    void vfunc() const
    { std::cout<<"Join::vfunc() const\n"; }
    void nvfunc() const
    { std::cout<<"Join::nvfunc() const\n"; }
    void new_vfunc() const
    { std::cout<<"Join::new_vfunc const\n"; }
    { std::cout<<"Join::~Join()\n"; }

L ke that but i don't understand explicitly? How can do that?

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