Factories and conversion from Base to Derived...

 werasm <werasm@gmail.com>
Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:07:27 -0000
Hi all,

I want to know whether the following is possible. I started out
with an idea called a CreationAbstractor. Basically just a
factory function wrapper for all types.

It looks like this:

template <class T>
class CreationAbstractor
    virtual T* create() const = 0;
    virtual ~CreationAbstractor(){ }

    CreationAbstractor(){ }

Typically, it would be used as argument to a class constructor like

Driver::Driver( const CreationAbstractor<Car>& );

I attempted to make CreationAbstractor generic of up to N arguments:

template <class BaseT, class DerivedT = BaseT>
class Creator: public CreationAbstractor<BaseT>
    typedef boost::scoped_ptr<CreationAbstractor<BaseT> > ImplT;

    ImplT impl_;

    struct NoArgImpl: public CreationAbstractor<BaseT>
    { virtual BaseT* create() const{ return new DerivedT; } };

    template <class F> struct Impl;

    template <class A1>
      struct Impl<void(A1)>: public CreationAbstractor<BaseT>
      Impl( A1 a1 ): a1_( a1 ){}
      virtual BaseT* create() const{ return new DerivedT( a1_ ); }
      A1 a1_;



    virtual BaseT* create() const
      return impl_->create();

    Creator(): impl_( new NoArgImpl ){ }
    template <class A1>
    Creator( A1 a ): impl_( new Impl<void(A1)>( a ) ){ }

This seems to work fine, although I suppose you guys could
give me some pointers as to how to implement it better. The
problem that I have is that my original implementation had
only on type. Therefore:

template <class T>
class Creator: public CreationAbstractor<T>......(1)

This prohibit me from converting Creator<Derived> to
CreationAbstractor<Base>, despite my best efforts.

Does anybody know of a better implementation using nifty
conversions where a declaration as in (1) may suffice to do?


const CreationAbstractor<Base>& a = const
CreationAbstractor<Derived>&...;compiles fine.



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