Re: The private-inheritance variant allows Car to override Engine's virtual functions

 werasm <>
Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:32:44 -0000
On Sep 29, 1:46 am, "Howard" <> wrote:

I find the comments above very confusing. (Does anyone else?)

How does private inheritance allow a class to expose its interface only to
specific clients?

See the example. Cmd exposes the function execute only to Processor.

What does "the same class at different levels" mean?
What's a "<bridge>"?

Refer to bridge pattern in wikipedia.

Perhaps some code example might illustrate your point(s) better. I'm just
not following.

Here goes:

struct Executable
    virtual void execute() = 0;
    virtual ~Executable(){ }

struct Processor
  virtual void process( Executable& );

class Cmd : Executable
    Cmd( Processor* p = 0 ): p_( p ){ }
    void operator()()
      if( p_ )
        p_->process( *this );
    virtual void execute()
      //...Some default behavior...
      // Most probably overridden
    Processor* p_;

void clientFunction()
  Processor p;
  Cmd cmd( &p );
  cmd(); // Processor calls execute...
  cmd.execute();//Fails to compile...



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