Re: Is finalizing a virtual method possible in C++?

Jeff Schwab <>
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:43:37 -0800
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Kira Yamato:

On 2008-02-22 07:35:34 -0500, Pavel Lepin <> said:

Kira Yamato <> wrote in

So, I don't want to say too hestantly that it is
impossible to simulate the finalizing of virtual methods
and classes in C++.

Hence, I rather turn to the experts and ask if anyone
knows if it is possible to simulate them in any way?

This is a FAQ.


Yes. Thanks. But the FAQ does not say that finalizing method is
impossible. If in fact it did, then the answer is found. Instead, it
just proposes a "solution."

So let me try asking differently, has anyone gotten further with a
better solution than merely stating a comment?

There should be no reason to finalize a member function in C++.

But if you absolutely must it's not that difficult.

    class Base
    friend class Derived;
        struct OverrideTag {};
        virtual void foo( OverrideTag = OverrideTag() ) = 0;

    class Derived: public Base
        virtual void foo( OverrideTag = OverrideTag() ) {}

    class FurtherDerived: public Derived
        // Nix njet.
    // virtual void foo( OverrideTag = OverrideTag() ) {}

    int main()
        Derived o;;

What's to stop somebody from making OverrideTag public in the derived
class? [1]

struct Derived: Base {
     using Base::OverrideTag;
     virtual void foo( OverrideTag = OverrideTag() ) { }

[1] I was confused by something like this a couple months ago, and
posted a question about it (here, I think). I got a few explanatory
responses of the form "What do you mean you didn't think of that?
Everybody knows that, and you have no right to find it confusing." I
love the fact that people find everything obvious, just as soon as it
has been pointed out to them. :)

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