Static virtual functions?

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 03:19:31 -0700 (PDT)
I appear to need a static virtual member function, which it seems I
can't have. I'm trying to do something like the following:

class Base {
  virtual void writetofile() = 0;
  virtual void readfromfile() = 0;
  (something here) char *name(); };

class Deriv1 : public Base {
  virtual void writetofile();
  virtual void readfromfile();
  (ditto) char *name() { return "Deriv1"; } };

class Deriv2 : public Base {
  virtual void writetofile();
  virtual void readfromfile();
  (ditto) char *name() { return "Deriv2"; } };

Now I want to write them to a file doing something like:

write (x -> name); x -> writetofile();

which requires name to be a virtual function. But I also want to do:

if (strcmp(type, Deriv1::name) == 0) { x = new Deriv1; x ->
readfromfile(); }
if (strcmp(type, Deriv2::name) == 0) { x = new Deriv2; x ->
readfromfile(); }

which requires name to be a static member function.

Any suggestions? I want to avoid having to duplicate the names in
different places.

Thanks in advance.

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