Re: Interfaces, restricting access

Salt_Peter <>
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 20:40:40 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 18, 8:41 pm, Christopher <> wrote:

I am surprised this hasn't come up for me more in the past, but the
situation is:

I need to have an interface that is usable for all
I need to have an interface that is only usable for some

I do not really know of a good way to achieve this. If I use friend
functions, I can no longer make methods virtual, right?


I am making a texture class for my graphics library

The only thing the application should have access to is a string
filename to create it with, perhaps dimensions, and a few other

However, some classes inside the engine, such as say the renderer
should have access to the hardware level texture resource, which is in
this case a pointer to a struct from a 3rd party library. So, I need
accessors for my renderer to use, but do not want them to be available
to the application. Both are using the same class.

Provide access(...) using interfaces only

We need a dummy Resource,
a core Texture type (string member and a pointer)
application needs an interface: IApplication
renderer needs another interface: IRenderer
type Texture overloads access(...) based on interface type.

#include <iostream>

struct Resource

struct IApplication
  virtual void set(const std::string&) = 0;

struct IRenderer
  virtual void set(Resource* p) = 0;

class Texture
  const std::string m_s;
  Resource* p_res;
  Texture(std::string s) : m_s(s), p_res(0) { }
  void access(IApplication& ia) const
  void access(IRenderer& ir) const
  void setp(Resource* p)
    p_res = p;

class Application : public IApplication
  std::string m_s;
  void set(const std::string& r_s)
    m_s = r_s;
  void display() const
    std::cout << m_s << std::endl;

class Renderer : public IRenderer
  Resource* p_res;
  void set(Resource* p)
    p_res = p;
  void display() const
    std::cout << p_res << std::endl;

int main()
  // setup an environment
  Resource res;
  Texture tex("some string");
  tex.setp( &res );

  // application's access
  Application app;
  tex.access( app );

  // renderer's access
  Renderer rend;
  tex.access( rend );

some string

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