Re: Storing variable arguments for future use in C++?

Rolf Magnus <>
Mon, 29 May 2006 14:07:42 +0200
<e5eo6f$603$02$> wrote:

 I am a newbie to this group. I have a problem in handling the variable

arguments passed to a function. My requirement is like this.

I have 2 functions say,

void funcX(int i, int j);
void funcY(int i, int j,char *name);

Now I want to register this function some how and store the variable
arguments ( and store defualt values) for future use


( Here I want to know how I can register and store the variable
arguments and function pointers, so that it can be used at a later
point to invoke the same)

Now at a later point I want to evoke these store functions in a
sequential order.

      //Invoke funcX with values registered here;
      //Invoke funcY with values registered here;


I was trying to use va_args with C and somehow i was not able to be

Those cannot be used for what you want.

If anybody have a better suggestion/design on how to do it,
please let me know.

You could use function objects.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Func
    virtual void operator()() = 0;

class FuncX : public Func
    FuncX(int i, int j)
        : i_(i), j_(j)
    void operator()()
        std::cout << i_ << '+' << j_ << '=' << i_+j_ << '\n';
    int i_, j_;

class FuncY: public Func
    FuncY(int i, int j, const char* name)
        : i_(i), j_(j), name_(name)
    void operator()()
        std::cout << name_ << '=' << i_ << '+' << j_ << '\n';
    int i_, j_;
    const char* name_;

std::vector<Func*> funcs;

void RegisterFunc(Func* func)

void CallFuncs()
    for (std::vector<Func*>::iterator it = funcs.begin(), end = funcs.end();
         it != end; ++it)

void CleanUp()
    for (std::vector<Func*>::iterator it = funcs.begin(), end = funcs.end();
         it != end; ++it)
        delete *it;
int main()
    RegisterFunc(new FuncX(10, 20));
    RegisterFunc(new FuncY(50, 60, "MyName"));

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