Re: virtual function and string - help

red floyd <no.spam@here.dude>
Mon, 26 Feb 2007 20:42:59 -0800
ali wrote:


I'm have a base class with a virual function toString. All the derived
classes will have to implement this function.

Here's the code I have used:

//in base.h
virtual string* toString();

class base {
virtual string toString() const = 0; // note: returns object not
                      // pointer. pure virtual
                      // requires derived
                                      // classes to implement

//in base.cpp
string* base::toString()
   return new string("Error: using base class toString method");

implementation should be deleted. By making toString() pure virtual,
you can't call it through the base class, you can't even instantiate
an object that doesn't have an overridden toString().

//in main.cpp
base b;

above is now illegal, assuming the pure virtual. Implement derived

class derived : public base
   string toString() const { /* some implementation */ }
derived d;


The pointer construct is not necessary once you return by value

cout << d.toString() << endl;

I was wondering if there was a way i could use it so that in main.cpp
i could use something like:


The above implementation is illegal because base has pure virtual

I'm learning C++, and since I've programmed in Java most of the time,
its getting a little confusing.

Repeat after me. C++ is not Java. When possible, you don't want to
dynamically allocate objects.

Even better is to implement operator<< for base and children:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const base& b)
    os << b.toString();
    return os;

This allows you to avoid the toString(), at least for output constructs.


  derived d;
  std::cout << d << std::endl;

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